Pastor Iain & Elizabeth Duthie
Our Senior Pastor, Iain Duthie, together with his wife, Elizabeth, (a primary school teacher) have been leading King’s Church since 2004. Pastor Iain, a medical doctor, left his medical practice and medicine and succeeded his father-in-law to oversee the church. Pastor Iain and Elizabeth are devoted parents of five grown up married children, and love spending time with their fifteen grandchildren, as well as enjoying travelling and great food together.
Both are passionate about building a life giving and thriving church that can be a “City on a Hill” making a difference in the world and shining the transformative love of Jesus to the city of Aberdeen, our nation of Scotland and beyond.
Along with leading King’s Church, Pastor Iain carries the responsibility of directing the Scottish Leadership Team of Assemblies of God, the family of churches of which King’s is a part.
Both are passionate about building a life giving and thriving church that can be a “City on a Hill” making a difference in the world and shining the transformative love of Jesus to the city of Aberdeen, our nation of Scotland and beyond.
Along with leading King’s Church, Pastor Iain carries the responsibility of directing the Scottish Leadership Team of Assemblies of God, the family of churches of which King’s is a part.
Meet the team.
King’s Church is dependent on an army of willing men and women who sacrificially give of their time, their talents, and their opportunities to facilitate the building of the church. It has never been dependant on the skills of a few but on the sacrifices of the many.
To complement this amazing family of volunteers, the staffing structure at King’s is arranged to deliver the Primary Mission of the church, namely to equip and encourage men and women to Reach Up to God, and pursue the Great Commandment from Mark 2:29-30, loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; to fulfil the Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20 to Reach Out to the Community around, both locally and globally; and to fulfil our Great commitment by Reaching In to our Destiny and outworking God’s unique call on our lives from Ephesians 4:1-16, both individually and corporately. The team are therefore organised as an ‘UP‘ team, an ‘OUT’ team and an ‘INTO’ team to deliver these three ministry areas. There is also a ‘FROM’ team to ensure healthy internal structures, systems, and operations within the church, from which flow the necessary support for the ‘mission.’
To complement this amazing family of volunteers, the staffing structure at King’s is arranged to deliver the Primary Mission of the church, namely to equip and encourage men and women to Reach Up to God, and pursue the Great Commandment from Mark 2:29-30, loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; to fulfil the Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20 to Reach Out to the Community around, both locally and globally; and to fulfil our Great commitment by Reaching In to our Destiny and outworking God’s unique call on our lives from Ephesians 4:1-16, both individually and corporately. The team are therefore organised as an ‘UP‘ team, an ‘OUT’ team and an ‘INTO’ team to deliver these three ministry areas. There is also a ‘FROM’ team to ensure healthy internal structures, systems, and operations within the church, from which flow the necessary support for the ‘mission.’




Board of Directors

Fair Work Policy: We now pay all our staff the real living wage and we also give all our staff a voice ensuring compliance with Scottish government Fair work first guidance.