We believe that for 2025, God desires for King's Church to embrace this year as The Year of Invitation. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus' invites believers to come to Him to lay down burdens and weariness, pick up the fullness (or symbolically, the yoke) of who He is in order to find rest and learn the Jesus way wherever we go.

Below you can see the vision focus areas for the year; those aspects in the life of King's we want to sow into through the Vision Offering and your generosity.

If you'd like to have a look at the 2025 Heart & Soul booklet that reflects on the stats, finances & ministry reports of 2024, then simply click here.
  • Auditorium Upgrades
  • Heating Pump: for better heat distribution across the building
  • Lighting: to become more cost effective and improve ambiance
  • Building Management System Upgrade
  • Flat Roof Replacement
  • communication: removing language barriers & improving experience for the hearing impaired
  • King's Care Centre: creating a community hub at the bottom of the Bridge Building to provide holistic care for people
  • Box Trailer: improving transporting of equipment (e.g. for plants, events etc)
  • Scissor Lift: being able to reach higher points in the building without having to hire expensive lifts
  • Hospitality Spaces: creating designated spaces that will improve the experience of first time visitors 
  • Multi-Purpose Generational Spaces
  • Tower Refurbishments: transforming the tower into a usable space for prayer meetings and more
  • Mission Distribution: building a second well in Kenya to provide clean water for communities in need
  • Love Aberdeen Expansion
  • Youth & Kids Club Expansion
Commit to engaging in prayer on behalf of others, inviting God to provide all that is required.
Find a place to serve and to give some aspect of your life away, your skills or abilities, your time or experience, perhaps your expertise in some area that would provide, expedite, or perhaps deliver on some of these initiatives.
Financial support through expressions of your generosity; to gift and make available funds for the described projects and activities.
Our vision offering is separated into three categories; namely PROCLAMATION where the funding is directed towards the communicating and demonstration of the gospel message, PROJECTS which by their description indicate specific, discrete, time-bound initiatives that require one-off expressions of generosity to fulfil the outcome, and finally PLACE where a portion of the offering is directed towards enhancing the physical space of the church facility for the benefit of the church community.
Press the button below to be directed to our online giving form for the Vision Offering 2025. Alternatively, follow the instructions given on Sundays on how you can give by using our giving envelopes.