We are passionate about mission

King's Church Aberdeen is committed to reaching people for Jesus locally and globally, supporting the body of Christ, and helping those in need.

Whether it is digging wells in Kenya, training farmers in South East Asia, working alongside Compassion to sponsor children across the globe, or working locally to see communities in Aberdeen transformed; we're are passionate about mission.

Have a look below to see the missionary activities that we're involved in and support.

Local Mission

King's work with local mission partners include the support of a variety of organisations and churches. There's a big emphasis on transforming communities and the lives of individuals with the love of Jesus.
Love Aberdeen

King's Community Foundation

Teen Challenge North East Scotland

P3 Business Pastors
Street Pastors

Proclaim Trust
Kirkcudbright Church Plant

Global Mission

Globally, King's also reaches out with the good news of Jesus Christ. Whether it's supporting clean water projects in Kenya, evangelism in Spain or supporting organisations like Compassion UK; King's heart for mission goes beyond our local borders.
Supporting the work lead by Pastor Augustine in training and equipping new pastors through the work of North India Tribal Mission. Through this partnership, many pastors have been released to serve their own tribal communities in Northern India.
Supporting the work of Chris Parker, who travels across Iceland ministering and helping equip local churches in spreading the good news.
Partnering with Gabriel & Daniela Corradini in their efforts to evangelise the north of Spain and plant churches.
South East Asia

